Volt Power Analytics'
Price Forward Curves
Hourly prices variations covering the complete market dynamics
With the increased complexity of the power markets, power market participants need to be able to account for hourly price volatility in their decision-making processes. Using Volt Power Analytics’ hourly price forward curves (HPFC) enables you to make informed decisions based on a realistic hourly price variation over the future prices for the Nordic markets.
Account for volatility
- Future contracts for the different price areas are given an hourly profile accounting for realistic power market developments and merged into a single continuous timeseries covering day-ahead until end of 2029.
- HPFC are updated each business day, ensuring a continuously updated hourly market price curve.
Unlock the complete market dynamics
HPFCs are created using a complete picture of the current fundamentals including hydrological conditions, interconnector availabilities, thermal availabilities, etc. This gives a realistic hourly variation across the entire curve towards 2030.
API Access
- Streamline processes through extracting Volt Power Analytics’ HPFC directly via our API and feeding it into your systems and models
- Compare historical versions of the HPFC and the development over time
Built with clients in mind. Our HPFCs have been created for commodity market participants looking for a single unified time series with market prices for Nordic power price areas.
Full coverage of the Nordic area. All Nordic price areas, including the system price
Start a trial access
Whether you’re an existing Volt user or not, we’re able to open up access to our HPFCs. Sign up and receive your login details by submitting the form below. Get a three week trial free with no obligations to continue with a subscription after the trial period ends.